This data set contains 3.7M camera trap images from five locations across the United States, with labels for 28 animal categories, primarily at the species level (for example, the most common labels are cattle, boar, and red deer). Approximately 12% of images are labeled as empty. We have also added bounding box annotations to 8892 images (mostly vehicles and birds).
Citation, license, and contact information
More information about this data set is available in the associated manuscript:
Tabak MA, Norouzzadeh MS, Wolfson DW, Sweeney SJ, VerCauteren KC, Snow NP, Halseth JM, Di Salvo PA, Lewis JS, White MD, Teton B. Machine learning to classify animal species in camera trap images: Applications in ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 2019 Apr;10(4):585-90.
Please cite this manuscript if you use this data set.
This data set is released under the Community Data License Agreement (permissive variant).
For questions about this data set, contact northamericancameratrapimages@gmail.com.
Data format
Annotations are provided in COCO Camera Traps .json format.
For information about mapping this dataset’s categories to a common taxonomy, see this page.
Downloading the data
Images are available in the following cloud storage folders:
- gs://public-datasets-lila/nacti-unzipped (GCP)
- s3://us-west-2.opendata.source.coop/agentmorris/lila-wildlife/nacti-unzipped (AWS)
- https://lilawildlife.blob.core.windows.net/lila-wildlife/nacti-unzipped (Azure)
Links to a series of zipfiles are also provided below, but – whether you want the whole data set, a specific folder, or a subset of the data (e.g. images for one species) – we recommend checking out our guidelines for accessing images without using giant zipfiles.
GCP links
Images (1/4) (488GB)
Images (2/4) (343GB)
Images (3/4) (347GB)
Images (4/4) (191GB)
Metadata (.json) (44MB)
Metadata (.csv) (31MB)
Bounding boxes (363KB)
Azure links
Images (1/4) (488GB)
Images (2/4) (343GB)
Images (3/4) (347GB)
Images (4/4) (191GB)
Metadata (.json) (44MB)
Metadata (.csv) (31MB)
Bounding boxes (363KB)
AWS links
Images (1/4) (488GB)
Images (2/4) (343GB)
Images (3/4) (347GB)
Images (4/4) (191GB)
Metadata (.json) (44MB)
Metadata (.csv) (31MB)
Bounding boxes (363KB)
Having trouble downloading? Check out our FAQ.
Other useful links
MegaDetector results for all camera trap datasets on LILA are available here.
Information about mapping camera trap datasets to a common taxonomy is available here.

Posted by Dan Morris.