UNSW Predators

Overview This dataset contains 131,802 images from 82 camera locations in New South Wales, Australia. Labels are provided for five categories: dingo (24,540 images), fox (4,421 images), goanna (84,361 images), possum (2,074 images), and quoll (16,406 images). No blank images…

Seattle(ish) Camera Traps

Overview I’m breaking the fourth wall right from the start here: this dataset comes from my house, and is intended to fill some specific gaps in public camera trap data that are difficult to fill from “real” camera trap data.…

Ohio Small Animals

Overview This dataset contains 118,554 images from AHDriFT camera traps in Ohio. The AHDriFT system uses a fence to guide small animals into an enclosure containing a downward-facing camera. Labels are provided for 45 species. The most common labels are…

Trail Camera Images of New Zealand Animals

Overview This data set contains approximately 2.5 million camera trap images from various projects across New Zealand. These projects were run by various organizations and took place in a diverse range of habitats using a variety of trail camera brands/models.…

Sea Star Re-ID 2023

Overview This data set contains 1,204 images of 39 individual Asterias rubens sea stars (ASRU) and 983 images of 56 individual Anthenea australiae (ANAU) sea stars. For the ASRU data set, images were taken on five distinct days. For the…

Izembek Lagoon Waterfowl

Overview This dataset contains 9,267 high-resolution (8688×5792) aerial images from Izembek Lagoon in Alaska, collected to survey waterfowl. The dataset includes 521,270 bounding boxes on waterfowl, with each box identified as one of: Brant (424,790 boxes) Canada goose (47,561 boxes)…

iWildCam 2022

Overview This dataset contains approximately 260,000 camera trap images with species-level annotations derived from the WCS Camera Traps dataset, with additional metadata and supplementary training data not included in the original WCS Camera Traps dataset. This dataset was used for…

NOAA Puget Sound Nearshore Fish 2017-2018

Overview This data set contains 77,739 images sampled from video collected on and around shellfish aquaculture farms in an estuary in the Northeast Pacific, in which 67,990 objects (fish and crustaceans) have been annotated on 30,384 images (the remainder have…

Leopard ID 2022

Overview This data set contains images of African leopards (Panthera pardus) with bounding boxes and individual animal identifications. This dataset represents a collaborative effort based on the data collection and population modeling efforts conducted by Botswana Predator Conservation Trust and…

Hyena ID 2022

Overview This data set contains images of spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) with bounding boxes and individual animal identifications. This dataset represents a collaborative effort based on the data collection and population modeling efforts conducted by the Botswana Predator Conservation Trust.…

Beluga ID 2022

Overview This data set contains Beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) with pre-cropped images and individual animal identifications. This dataset represents a collaborative effort based on the data collection and population modeling efforts conducted in the Cook Inlet off the cost of…

Orinoquía Camera Traps

Overview This data set contains 104,782 images collected from a 50-camera-trap array deployed from January to July 2020 within the private natural reserves El Rey Zamuro (31 km2) and Las Unamas (40 km2), located in the Meta department in the…

SWG Camera Traps 2018-2020

Overview This data set contains 436,617 sequences of camera trap images from 982 locations in Vietnam and Lao, totaling 2,039,657 images. Labels are provided for 120 categories, primarily at the species level (for example, the most common labels are “Eurasian…

Idaho Camera Traps

Overview This data set contains approximately 1.5 million camera trap images from Idaho. Labels are provided for 62 categories, most of which are animal classes (“deer”, “elk”, and “cattle” are the most common animal classes), but labels also include some…

Boxes on Bees and Pollen

Overview The goal of the BeeLivingSensor project is to non-invasively track honey bees at hive entrances, and to track the type and volume of pollen they bring into the hive. By analyzing the color of the pollen and aggregating it…

Forest Damages – Larch Casebearer

Overview The larch casebearer, Coleophora laricella, is a moth that mainly attacks larch trees and has caused significant damage in larch stands in Västergötland, Sweden. The Swedish Forest Agency, supported by Microsoft’s AI for Earth program, started a project that…

WNI Giraffes

Overview Masai giraffes are endangered from illegal killing and habitat loss. As part of the world’s largest giraffe conservation science project, the Wild Nature Institute has identified thousands of individual Masai giraffes in Tanzania by their unique and unchanging coat…

GeoLifeCLEF 2020

Overview Understanding the geographic distribution of species is a key concern in conservation. By pairing species occurrences with environmental features, researchers can model the relationship between an environment and the species which may be found there. To facilitate research in…

Channel Islands Camera Traps

Overview This data set contains 246,529 camera trap images from 73 camera locations in the Channel Islands, California. All animals are annotated with bounding boxes. Data were provided by The Nature Conservancy. Animals are classified as rodent1 (82914), fox (48150),…

Aerial Seabirds West Africa

Overview This dataset contains high-resolution aerial RGB imagery obtained from a census of breeding seabirds in West Africa in 2019. The data was collected as part of a census of breeding seabirds along the West African coast where UAVs were…

HKH Glacier Mapping

Overview The Hindu Kush Himalayas (HKH) glacier mapping dataset includes imagery of the Hindu Kush Himalayas (HKH) region, along with polygons indicating the locations of glaciers. This dataset is intended to facilitate the training of models that can identify glaciers…

Great Zebra and Giraffe Count and ID

Overview This dataset contains images of plains zebra (Equus quagga) and Masai giraffe (Giraffa tippelskirchi) with bounding boxes and individual animal identifications. Images are taken from a two-day census of Nairobi National Park, located just south of the airport in…

Whale Shark ID

Overview This data set contains images of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) with bounding boxes and individual animal identifications. This dataset represents a collaborative effort based on the data collection and population modeling efforts conducted at Ningaloo Marine Park in Western…

Island Conservation Camera Traps

Overview This data set contains approximately 123,000 camera trap images from 123 camera locations from 7 islands in 6 countries. Data were provided by Island Conservation during projects conducted to prevent the extinction of threatened species on islands. The most…

Adirondack Research Invasive Species Mapping

Overview This data set contains interpolated lake characteristics data of twelve lakes, including depth, substrate hardness, and vegetation presence. These data can be useful for calculating the probability of occurrence of other biological organisms that have habitat preferences related to…

Conservation Drones

Overview Monitoring of protected areas to curb illegal activities like poaching is a monumental task. Real-time data acquisition has become easier with advances in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and sensors like TIR cameras, which allow surveillance at night when poaching…

Snapshot Karoo

Overview This data set contains 14889 sequences of camera trap images, totaling 38074 images, from the Snapshot Karoo project, part of the Snapshot Safari network. Using the same camera trapping protocols at every site, Snapshot Safari members are collecting standardized…


Overview This data set contains approximately 10,000 camera trap images representing 23 classes from Eastern North America, with bounding boxes on each image. The most common classes are “American Crow”, “American Black Bear”, and “Dog”. Citation, license, and contact information…

Amur Tiger Re-identification

Overview This dataset contains more than 8,000 video clips of 92 individual Amur tigers from 10 zoos in China. Around 9500 bounding boxes are provided along with pose keypoints, and around 3600 of those bounding boxes are associated with an…

WCS Camera Traps

Overview This data set contains approximately 1.4M camera trap images representing around 675 species from 12 countries, making it one of the most diverse camera trap data sets available publicly. Data were provided by the Wildlife Conservation Society. The…

Chesapeake Land Cover

Overview This dataset contains high-resolution aerial imagery from the USDA NAIP program [1], high-resolution land cover labels from the Chesapeake Conservancy [2], low-resolution land cover labels from the USGS NLCD 2011 dataset [3], low-resolution…

Missouri Camera Traps

Overview This data set contains approximately 25,000 camera trap images representing 20 species (for example, the most common labels are red deer, mouflon, and white-tailed deer). Images within each sequence share the same species label (even though the animal may…

Wellington Camera Traps

Overview This data set contains 270,450 images from 187 camera locations in Wellington, New Zealand. The cameras (Bushnell 119537, 119476, and 119436) recorded sequences of three images when triggered. Each sequence was labelled by citizen scientists and/or professional ecologists from…

Forest Canopy Height in Mexican Ecosystems

Overview Airborne light detection and ranging (lidar) data have great potential to map vegetation structure at a fine resolution, including estimating carbon stocks, canopy closure, and tree height. While airborne-lidar-derived vegetation structural measurements could play an important role in ecological…

Caltech Camera Traps

Overview This data set contains 243,100 images from 140 camera locations in the Southwestern United States, with labels for 21 animal categories (plus empty), primarily at the species level (for example, the most common labels are opossum, raccoon, and coyote),…

North American Camera Trap Images

Overview This data set contains 3.7M camera trap images from five locations across the United States, with labels for 28 animal categories, primarily at the species level (for example, the most common labels are cattle, boar, and red deer). Approximately…

List of other conservation data sets

There are lots of labeled data sets relevant to conservation that are not on LILA, of course, and rather than copying them all to LILA, this pagetracks other data sets we know about. This page complements the list of LILA