UNSW Predators


This dataset contains 131,802 images from 82 camera locations in New South Wales, Australia. Labels are provided for five categories: dingo (24,540 images), fox (4,421 images), goanna (84,361 images), possum (2,074 images), and quoll (16,406 images). No blank images are included.

Images were collected by Brendan Alting through the Myall Lakes Dingo/Dapin Project on Browning Strike Force HD Pro cameras deployed from December 2022 to March 2023 near trails in Myall Lakes National Park, New South Wales. Cameras were positioned approximately two metres away from a PVC pipe containing 200g of inaccessible raw chicken necks, staked into the ground in front of a large log to encourage quolls to walk across the log and present both flanks to the camera. Lures were replaced at each site six times during the survey (every 9-22 days; mean 16 days). Baited cameras were loosely arranged in clusters of three, with each cluster (N=13) spaced 4502 metres apart (range 2510m-6756m), and cameras within clusters were spaced on average 1100m apart (range 495m-1483m). Baited cameras were deployed for 90 days and set to capture three images per sequence, at high sensitivity with a 1s delay.

Data collection was funded by the Oatley Flora and Fauna Society, the Australian Wildlife Society, Taronga Conservation Society Australia, and a UNSW Research Technology Services (ResTech) AWS cloud grant. Work was conducted under approval 22/102A from the UNSW Animal Ethics Committee.

Citation, license, and contact information

For questions about this data set, contact Neil Jordan.

This data set is released under the Community Data License Agreement (permissive variant).

Data format

Annotations (including species tags and unique location identifiers) are provided in COCO Camera Traps format.

For information about mapping this dataset’s categories to a common taxonomy, see this page.

Downloading the data

Metadata is available here.

Images are available in the following cloud storage folders:

  • gs://public-datasets-lila/unsw-predators/images (GCP)
  • s3://us-west-2.opendata.source.coop/agentmorris/lila-wildlife/unsw-predators/images (AWS)
  • https://lilawildlife.blob.core.windows.net/lila-wildlife/unsw-predators/images (Azure)

We recommend downloading images (the whole folder, or a subset of the folder) using gsutil (for GCP), aws s3 (for AWS), or AzCopy (for Azure). For more information about using gsutil, aws s3, or AzCopy, check out our guidelines for accessing images without using giant zipfiles.

If you prefer to download individual images via http, you can. For example, the thumbnail below appears in the metadata as:


This image can be downloaded directly from any of the following URLs (one for each cloud):

Having trouble downloading? Check out our FAQ.

Other useful links

Information about mapping camera trap datasets to a common taxonomy is available here.

quoll in a camera trap image

Posted by Dan Morris.