Desert Lion Conservation Camera Traps


This dataset contains 65,959 images and 199 videos from the Desert Lion Conservation Project in Northern Namibia. Desert Lion Conservation is a small non-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation of desert-adapted lions. Their main focus is to collect important baseline ecological data on the lion population and to study their behaviour, biology, and adaptation to survive in the harsh environment. They use this information to collaborate with other conservation bodies in the quest to find a solution to human-lion conflict, to elevate the tourism value of lions, and to contribute to the conservation of the species.

Labels are provided for 46 categories, primarily at the species level. There are no images annotated as empty.

License and contact information

For questions about this data set, contact Peter van Lunteren.

This data set is released under the Community Data License Agreement (permissive variant).

Data format

Annotations (including species tags and unique location identifiers) are provided in COCO Camera Traps format.

For information about mapping this dataset’s categories to a common taxonomy, see this page.

Downloading the data

Metadata is available here.

Images are available in a zipfile here, and unzipped images are available in the following cloud storage folders:

  • gs://public-datasets-lila/desert-lion-camera-traps/annotated-imgs (GCP)
  • s3:// (AWS)
  • (Azure)

We recommend downloading images (the whole folder, or a subset of the folder) using gsutil (for GCP), aws s3 (for AWS), or AzCopy (for Azure). For more information about using gsutil, aws s3, or AzCopy, check out our guidelines for accessing images without using giant zipfiles.

If you prefer to download individual images via http, you can. For example, the thumbnail below appears in the metadata as:

panthera leo/Camera Trap/2017/02/PvL_seq_d8579c60-9f99-4779-8792-2395ab0e3afa/20170218-PICT0729.JPG

This image can be downloaded directly from any of the following URLs (one for each cloud):

Having trouble downloading? Check out our FAQ.

Other useful links

MegaDetector results for all camera trap datasets on LILA are available here.

Information about mapping camera trap datasets to a common taxonomy is available here.

Posted by Dan Morris.